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LG 넥서스4 4.2 ??

일단 이슈가 되어서 뜨고있길래 혹~~시나 해서.

다른게 아니라 4.2 젤리빈을 탑재 했다고 하는데 

알기론 4.1이 젤리빈으로 알고있는데.....

혹시나 해서 찾아보니 역시나 4.1이 젤리빈인거같은..

그리고 다른 블로그에서는 키라임파이라고 하길래 

마찬가지로 내가 알기론 5.0이 키라임파이로 알고있는데..

검색해보니 5.0이 키라임파이라고 함.

그렇다면 4.2는?? 

정확한 것은 모르겠지만 루머어쩌고 있었지만 확실하게 알고싶어서 

안드로이드 사이트로 들어가니 바로 나옴.


4.2는 젤리빈이 맞습니다.


Android 4.2: A new flavor of Jelly Bean.

Android 4.2 takes the speed and simplicity of Jelly Bean to a different level – a completely new camera experience that’s beyond smart, a new form of typing that helps you power through your messages, and much more.

라며 소개를 하고 있네요. 

이런저런 기능들이 많아졌는데.. 

카메라 기능과 관련된 뉴스와

Amazing Photo Sphere camera

Up, down and all around you, it’s like no camera you’ve ever seen. With Android 4.2, snap pictures in every direction that come together into incredible, immersive photo spheres that put you right inside the scene. View your photo spheres right on your phone, share them on Google+ with your friends and family, or even add them to Google Maps for the world to see.

Explore incredible photo spheres from photographers around the world.

photo spheres 

swife키보드어플 기능이 포함되는듯 싶구요.


A smarter keyboard, now with Gesture Typing

Writing messages on the go is easier than ever with Gesture Typing – just glide your finger over the letters you want to type, and lift after each word. You don’t have to worry about spaces because they’re added automatically for you.

The keyboard can anticipate and predict the next word, so you can finish entire sentences just by selecting suggested words. Power through your messages like never before.

Android's dictionaries are now more accurate and relevant. With improved text-to-speech capabilities, voice typing on Android is even better. It works even when you don't have a data connection, so you can type with your voice everywhere you go.

gesture typing keyboard

사용자별 로그인(?)과 같은 기능도 포함되는듯 합니다.


One tablet, many users.

It’s your fully customized tablet. And theirs, too. With support for multiple users, you can give each person their own space. Everyone can have their own homescreen, background, widgets, apps and games – even individual high scores and levels! And since Android is built with multitasking at its core, it’s a snap to switch between users – no need to log in and out. Available only on tablets.

one tablet, many users

무선 디스플레이 공유? 랄까 모 그런기능도 있습니다.


Share what’s on your phone on the big screen.

Android 4.2 allows devices to enable wireless display. You can share movies, YouTube videos, and anything that’s on your screen on an HDTV. Just connect a wireless display adapter to any HDMI-enabled TV to mirror what’s on your screen quickly and easily.

share phone on tv

등등등 몇가지가 더 많이 바뀌었네요..

자세한건 사이트 참조...;;;

근데 느끼는거지만 마이너 버전 업데이트에서 더 크게 바뀌는 느낌이랄까...;;